Интеграция приложений на основе WebSphere MQ

a sample message exit function

/* Листинг программы mqexit.dll */ /************************************************************************/ /* Program name: mqexit */ /* Description: This is a sample message exit function record all messages */ /* This function will work on any channels, e.g. send, receive, requester, etc. */ /* This function logs all channel activities into the Channel Log file. */ /* Please see Intercommunication documentation to specify the Channel Message Exit */ /* Authors: Vladimir Makushkin, Moscow, Russia */ /* email: vmakushkin@mail.ru */ /* Disclaimer: this program has been tested under HP_UX and Windows to the */ /* authors' satisfaction. You may use this program at your own risk. Author are not */ /* responsible for any unexpected results generated by this program. */ /************************************************************************/ /* standard headers */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <locale.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/timeb.h> #include <time.h> /* MQSeries headers */ #include <cmqc.h> #include <cmqxc.h> char timebuf??(130??); char Channel_Logfile??(129??); char MsgBufFile??(129??); char ini_filename??(129??); FILE * OST = 0; #define DBGPRINTF(x) { \ OST=fopen(Channel_Logfile,"a+"); \ if(OST) fprintf x; \ fclose(OST); \ } void writer (long *, char *); /* prototype for file writer function */ void getINI( void ); void MQENTRY MQStart(void) {;} void MQENTRY MsgExit( PMQCXP pChannelExitParams, PMQCD pChannelDefinition, PMQLONG pDataLength, PMQLONG pAgentBufferLength, PMQBYTE AgentBuffer, PMQLONG pExitBufferLength, PMQPTR pExitBufferAddr) { short i; struct timeb t; char millisec??(25??); time_t clock = time( (time_t*) NULL); struct tm *tmptr = localtime(&clock); strcpy(timebuf, asctime(tmptr)); ftime( &t ); memset( millisec, 0, sizeof( millisec ) ); sprintf( millisec, " Time:%ld.%d", t.time, t.millitm ); strcat( timebuf, millisec ); if ( strlen(pChannelExitParams->ExitData) ) { memset( ini_filename, 0, sizeof( ini_filename ) ); strncpy( ini_filename, pChannelExitParams->ExitData, MQ_EXIT_DATA_LENGTH );

/*------------------------*/ /* remove space from data */ /*------------------------*/ for ( i = MQ_EXIT_DATA_LENGTH - 1; i > 0; i-- ) { if ( ini_filename??(i??) != ' ' && ini_filename??(i??) ) break; ini_filename??(i??) = 0; } } getINI(); void writer(long *lngth, char *bf) {

long msgsize; int n; FILE *fp; getINI(); fp = fopen(MsgBufFile, "ab"); msgsize = *lngth; n = fwrite(&msgsize, sizeof(msgsize), 1, fp); /* put record length */ n = fwrite(bf, msgsize, 1, fp); /* and message buffer */ fclose(fp); }

/*--------------------------------------------------------- getINI() - read information from INI file -----------------------------------------------------------*/ void getINI( void ) { FILE *ini_fp; char *ptr, *name_ptr; char field_val??(129??), Ini_s??(129??), fn??(129??); short len;

memset( Ini_s, 0, sizeof( Ini_s ) ); memset( field_val, 0, sizeof( field_val ) ); memset( MsgBufFile, 0, sizeof ( MsgBufFile ) ); memset( Channel_Logfile, 0, sizeof( Channel_Logfile ) );

if ( strlen( ini_filename ) ) /* if Channel Exit defined INI filename */ strcpy( fn, ini_filename ); /* use it */ else /* otherwise use default INI filename */ strcpy( fn, INI_FILENAME ); if ( (ini_fp = fopen( fn, "r" )) == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "\nUnable to open %s. Error #: %d", fn, errno ); return; }

/*-----------------------------*/ /* read the INI file until eof */ /*-----------------------------*/ while ( (ptr = fgets( Ini_s, sizeof(Ini_s) - 1, ini_fp )) != NULL ) { len = strlen( Ini_s ); if ( Ini_s??(len -1??) == LINEFEED ) Ini_s??(len-1??) = 0; /* null out '\n' */ if ( (name_ptr = strchr( Ini_s, EQUAL )) == NULL ) /* no '=' found */ continue; ptr = name_ptr + 1; *name_ptr = 0; /* set null for s[] */ strcpy( field_val, ptr ); fclose( ini_fp );

return; }
Листинг 11.1. Листинг программы mqexit.c
Закрыть окно

strncpy( ini_filename, pChannelExitParams->ExitData, MQ_EXIT_DATA_LENGTH );


/* remove space from data */


for ( i = MQ_EXIT_DATA_LENGTH - 1; i > 0; i-- )


if ( ini_filename??(i??) != ' ' && ini_filename??(i??) )


ini_filename??(i??) = 0;




void writer(long *lngth, char *bf)


long msgsize;

int n;

FILE *fp;


fp = fopen(MsgBufFile, "ab");

msgsize = *lngth;

n = fwrite(&msgsize, sizeof(msgsize), 1, fp); /* put record length */

n = fwrite(bf, msgsize, 1, fp); /* and message buffer */




getINI() - read information from INI file


void getINI( void )


FILE *ini_fp;

char *ptr, *name_ptr;

char field_val??(129??), Ini_s??(129??), fn??(129??);

short len;

memset( Ini_s, 0, sizeof( Ini_s ) );

memset( field_val, 0, sizeof( field_val ) );

memset( MsgBufFile, 0, sizeof ( MsgBufFile ) );

memset( Channel_Logfile, 0, sizeof( Channel_Logfile ) );

if ( strlen( ini_filename ) ) /* if Channel Exit defined INI filename */

strcpy( fn, ini_filename ); /* use it */

else /* otherwise use default INI filename */

strcpy( fn, INI_FILENAME );

if ( (ini_fp = fopen( fn, "r" )) == NULL )


fprintf(stderr, "\nUnable to open %s. Error #: %d", fn, errno );




/* read the INI file until eof */


while ( (ptr = fgets( Ini_s, sizeof(Ini_s) - 1, ini_fp )) != NULL )


len = strlen( Ini_s );

if ( Ini_s??(len -1??) == LINEFEED )

Ini_s??(len-1??) = 0; /* null out '\n' */

if ( (name_ptr = strchr( Ini_s, EQUAL )) == NULL ) /* no '=' found */


ptr = name_ptr + 1;

*name_ptr = 0; /* set null for s[] */

strcpy( field_val, ptr );

fclose( ini_fp );



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